A Magickal Place of Information that is safe for all who travel a Spiritual Path
The East: A Seminar
Part 1 of a 4 part series of seminars exploring the 4 Quarters of the Circle. Each seminar will focus on a specific quarter and how to use them in your magickal practice as well as incorporate them into your daily life.
This is not introductory material, but is aimed at taking your understanding of each quarter to a deeper level.
I started this journey over four decades ago. It was still a time of “keeping silent” for fear of reprisals. Now things have changed and many paths have found a home on the Internet, and they are sharing their vast stores of wisdom. As we face uncertain times, I am more and more convinced that we MUST stick together so that we can stay “out of the broom closet”. This site is my statement of Faith that Magick is here to stay.
Magick is all around us all the time, and I want everyone to be able to access it. I am also always questing for new levels of my own growth. So, join me and let’s keep the World safe for Magick.
“The Goddess is alive, and Magick is afoot.”
Wheel of the Year

Holiday Seasons
Seasons come and seasons go.We are used to thinking of the seasons in terms of the astronomical seasons;
Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn. This year I am going to think in terms of the
holiday seasons. The holidays are wrapped into the seasons afterall.
Ah Mercury retrograde. I had this very near posting right on time for Yule, and then it vanished from my computer. So I started from scratch and I’m running a bit late. It’s still within the Yuletide season, however. The Yuletide Season has begun. The Yuletide Season typically goes from Yule, the Winter Solstice to […]
Family Thanksgiving is nearly here. This is a time of family, football, and food. Of these three family is the…
Food Thanksgiving is almost here. This is a time of family, football, and food. All across the US we’ll be…
One of the most terrifying things that is said here in the Deep South is, “My air conditioner went out!” …
Part 1 looked at the past through the eyes of history. Part 2 looks at today. I do remember so…