The Moon is Void of Course; do NOT cast any spells until it moves into the next sign. What the heck does that mean?   This is simple astronomy. No, I did not make a mistake. I meant to say astronomy. We gage the Moon’s motions based on what constellation, or Zodiac sign, it is traveling through at the moment. That’s where Void of Course makes a difference. As the Moon moves through the sky it travels through various constellations, but it does travel, and there are moments when it is not in any sign or constellation. That’s the moment of Void of Course.

We plan our spell work around the phase of the Moon and what sign it is in at that moment. So, when it is Void of Course it isn’t anywhere that can be used for spell work. It can also seem to be moving retrograde from our perspective. Now is definitely not the time to do any type of spell work. If the Moon isn’t anywhere, what will happen to your spell? You are planning on using the loving energy of Cancer, but the Moon is not actually IN Cancer, so what will happen to the spell? The very best that will happen is absolutely nothing. However, what you meant to be a loving spell could turn into a negative feeling instead. If the Moon is retrograde, then the spell could actually go completely negative and anger or worse could happen. Suppose it’s a healing spell and the Moon is moving retrograde. Do you even want to think of the outcome of that one?

So, a simple lesson on Moon Void of Course. If you follow the Moon’s movement through the sky, you can easily access that type of information in terms of where, or where not, the Moon is. One of the best sources is Llewellyn’s Witch’s calendar. We have great power, and we use it, so take care and pay attention, so you can make the most of your spell work.

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