Yule came and a new dream was born. Winter took hold; dark, quiet, cold. During that time the new dream got nurtured. Now it is February, halfway through Winter, and it is time to let that dream go into the Cosmos to seek its destiny. The Goddess and God are returning to the aspect of their youth, the Maiden and the Godling. It is time to fly into the World and see what shape the new adventure will take.

As the new adventure begins, there is one thing to remember: Home is always there, always Home. One of the aspects of the celebration of Imbolc is the stable and comforting status of Home. All the lights get doused at Samhain. One light shines through the longest night of the year, Yule. That light means many things, but it is also the light of Home, shining through the darkness to lead us back to our ancestors, to our roots. As we move into the new permutation of ourselves, we always carry the foundation upon which we have built, Home.

One traditional way to celebrate Imbolc is that at Sunset you should light all the Lights in your house, including Candles and the Fireplace. Those lights are the beacon in the night that will lead us to the place where we started.

So, as you celebrate this sacred day, go forth and seek your next adventure, the next chapter in your story. However, never forget, Home is where your story began. If you get lost and scared, then follow those lights back to your foundation. Build what is new upon what has always been there.

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