February 2nd, Saturday this year, is Imbolc. We are half way through Winter. The Holiday Season is so full of busyness, and so hectic and loud, that the quiet time that follows in January is usually a bit of a blessing. Now the Sun in its journey is beginning to shine more of its light on us on a daily basis. By the time Imbolc comes around it is obvious that the days are longer. The restful time is coming to an end. Yes, it’s still Winter, and there will be more Winter weather, some of which will be fierce. However, it is getting more fierce because it has begun its struggle to hang on to reality, but at Imbolc you can see that Spring is on its way back.
By Imbolc you can begin to see that deep below the surface the Earth is beginning to respond to the caress of the growing Sun. Days are longer, and there is more heat on the plants to encourage them to start their journey to the surface. Anyone who gardens knows that this is time of year when you can get serious about certain types of plants. Many bulbs and tubers no longer have to wait to be planted. The early flowers start to show themselves. Daffodils, violets, and snowdrops are some of the first to start their journey to the Sun. The adventure of life is calling out to them, and they are ready to answer.
February 2nd, Saturday this year, is Imbolc. We are half way through Winter. The Holiday Season is so full of busyness, and so hectic and loud, that the quiet time that follows in January is usually a bit of a blessing. Now the Sun in its journey is beginning to shine more of its light on us on a daily basis. By the time Imbolc comes around it is obvious that the days are longer. The restful time is coming to an end. Yes, it’s still Winter, and there will be more Winter weather, some of which will be fierce. However, it is getting more fierce because it has begun its struggle to hang on to reality, but at Imbolc you can see that Spring is on its way back.
You have had a month to rest and really focus on the dream you have for the new year, what you want to plant and grow and nourish in your life. Take a deep breath and get ready for the Sun and Earth to start reaching back out to you to show you how to make this year’s crop grow and prosper. The adventure is about to begin, now is the time to get ready.