This Wednesday, the 20th, is the longest night of the year. Winter begins on the 21st. I have noticed a recurring theme in many writings recently, a need for quiet. Winter is all about quiet. We are thrown in such a maelstrom of activity this time of year when what we most need is some time to slow down and relax. Our world is dictated by artificial environments and so we forget what the weather is actually doing. We even resent it when the weather takes control and forces us to stop and slow down, and stay inside. Yet, that is what Winter is all about, the quiet of the World as it sleeps and rests, waiting for a whole new reality to begin.

We all know that good sleep is required for a person to stay healthy, more and more studies are proving just that. Animals and plants require rest, as well. Winter gives us that opportunity. Plants go dormant and wait for the growing Sun to heat them up so they can awaken. Very few animals do true hibernation. Most of them do one of two things. Some seek out a warmer environment. Birds take flight, so to speak. Reptiles and amphibians go deep into the warmth of the Earth. Many mammals take very long naps, like days, coming out on warmer days to replenish their food stores, then back into their warm Winter nests they go. Only we silly humans insist on carrying on business as usual. In fact, we just pile on more stuff at the very time when we should be closing the door and lighting the fire so we can start the dream of Winter, and lay out the new reality that can take place once the Earth comes back to wakefulness.

After Thursday the Sun starts getting bigger and days get longer, and yet the dream of Winter is in control for the next six weeks. Take advantage of this time to be still and quiet some every day. Plan your new reality and use Winter’s power of quiet to rest yourself for the next adventure.

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