Blessing of the Animals

October 4th, the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, is the traditional time for the Blessing of the Animals. Many traditions perform a ritual to bless the animals who share our world sometime during this month in commemoration of that venerated Saint. The pets, or companion animals, who live with us are usually the greatest recipients of this blessing, but what about all those other animals?

Getting all shamanistic on y’all, I think you should also spend a little time blessing ALL the beautiful creatures who share our planet. So many wild creatures are threatened and disappearing. Many domesticated and wild animals willingly sacrifice their lives for our benefit. It seems appropriate to say thank you, and send a blessing out toward them.

This is an old Choctaw prayer that I think is appropriate at this time of year. I’ve shared it before, but it still works.

“Forgive me Brother Deer,

But the people are hungry.”

Whether they walk, slither, swim, or fly, these magnificent creatures enrich our world, so take a moment to say thank you, and send your blessings out to them. The Great Animal Fathers and Mothers will notice, I assure you.

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