Samhain – Powerful and Dangerous Times Ahead

            Samhain is almost here and this year it is falling on a Saturday and the Moon will be full, the second Full Moon of the month, a Blue Moon.  An especially powerful Samhain indeed.  The veil between realities is extremely thin already. As if that is not enough, three days afterwards is a critical election here in the USA.  The time of a new reality emerging is upon us.  Are you ready?

            As this time of year approached here in the Northern Hemisphere the agricultural peoples of the past took stock to make sure they had the supplies they would need to survive the dark and cold days ahead.  As 2020 heads toward its conclusion many people in our modern world are doing the same.  It’s been a tough year and a lot of those folks are concerned that the worst is yet to come, so they are preparing for that possibility.  It could happen.  If nothing else we have all learned this year that anything can happen.  As a witch I believe that we have the power to create reality and I am taking that belief into my Samhain celebrations.  However, I am doing that with the wisdom passed on to me by my ancestors.  Part of the veil being thin and the Lord of the Earth and Sky traveling through the Death Lands is that the ancestors can communicate with us more clearly, if we are listening.  And I am listening.  Their voices are already loud and I suspect they will get louder between now and Sunset on November 1st.  Having come close to death myself during the Autumn festivals, my ears are wide open. The message has been pretty clear – be ready for anything.

            So, I have laid in supplies much as they once did.  I have connected with family and friends so that those people know how much I love them.  I have also finished writing my next book and prepared for an easy entry into the next turn of the Wheel.  I put my Jack-o-Lantern out a few days early to fight off any incoming evil spirits.  I am employing the old adage – work as if you will live forever, live as if you will die tomorrow.

            On Samhain I will put out a plate for my ancestors, or any spirit who happens to pass by and be hungry.  I will hand out candy to some family children who plan to stop by.  By midnight I will have the lights extinguished and be tucked firmly under my blanket so the Wild Hunt passes me by.  And I will weave a new reality for myself and those I love with the fervent hope that it is a peaceful future that unfolds, free of sickness and deprivation.  What more can I do?

Blessed Be and Reverent Samhain!

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