Beltaine: A Big Life Is Fertile

            Imbolc came and the path to a Big Life opened.  I hesitated to start walking that path.  Then Ostara came and the storms of Spring began to clear away the crap of the past.  The crops of a Big Life got planted in those fertile fields.  Now those crops are beginning to push through that fertile soil.  I’ve signed a contract with a Llewellyn Worldwide Publications to publish one of my books.  I won a small legal battle.  I’m working on another book and an outline for a possible television show.  I’ve made medical appointments to take care of some troublesome, but fixable medical issues,  I’m taking full advantage of all this creative energy flowing around me.

            That’s the key to Beltaine energy, creativity!  Fertilization is taking place all around us.  The Sun is shining its life-giving energy down on us; the motion of the Air is blowing soft Spring breezes; rain drops are making the Earth soft and ready.  The ground is ready to receive the seed – literally and metaphorically.  Fill this fertile and receptive reality with your creative seeds and watch those first crops start to rise.

            My vision is now clear, I can see what’s happening all around me.  It’s Beltaine and my new Big Life has sprouted!

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