Samhain: the Dark God

            We have passed the mid-point of Autumn, Samhain, and November is coming to a close.  The Goddess is preparing to give birth to the Sun/Son next month at Yule.  Here in the Northern Hemisphere the Earth is shutting down for its Winter sleep.  What is the Divine Masculine up to as He gets ready to be reborn?  He is resting and wandering the Shadowlands, gathering portents about the new reality He will bring to us at Yule.

The Goddess gets a lot of press at Samhain as She stands and stirs the Cauldron, looking into the future.  The God is physically absent, but who do you think is sending those messages to the Goddess from beyond the veil?  The God is the one who is walking the dark shadows in the land of death.  He is the one who is talking to and listening to the ancestors.  He whispers messages into the Goddess’s ears so She can read the future. 

            The Divine Masculine is in many ways at His greatest power at Samhain.  His courage and His strength to take that dark journey pave the way to prepare for a new reality to come into being.  Let the God’s power fill you so you, too, can be ready for the new reality.  The Goddess creates, but the God gives Her a road map to follow in that creation because of His dark journey.

            And get some rest because at Yule the God returns in physical form and a whole new adventure starts.

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